Thursday, 9 April 2009

Domnino Necklaces

One of those things, I want to try something, so do loads of it, then let it rest for ages before I pick it up again and do it 'better'... so.... have found my huge stash of blank dominos, and intend to do some more soon, but hopefully better ;)

I buy mine form car boot sales mostly, tend to find nicer thinnner ones there, usually creamy coloured too, rather than stark white. Just a personnal preference of mine, I like the more 'aged' look. (mixture of both in picture)

I used stazon ink pads, sharpie pens, diamontes and 3d glaze. I made the little boxes on my crease and fold board :)


  1. They're beautiful kairen
    Anne x

  2. These are great Kairen, YOU CAN BELEIVE ME!Just moted on my blog you had added them Clever girl you can turn you hand at anything

    liz X

  3. lovely Kairen my nieces loved these as you know! as Liz said you are a clever girl! very talented keep up the good work! love to see what ideas you come up with! love Pammie x x

  4. Hi Kairen these necklaces are gorgeous. Blog is looking good, you 0obviously like having a go at different things! Thanks for dropping in to my blog. Cindy

  5. They are brilliant Kairen, well done hun, what a fab idea x

  6. oh these are gorgeous - and the boxes too - just so beautiful.

    Ann xxx
