Friday, 1 May 2009

Won an award......!

Well,what a huge surprise and many thanks to Liz for giving me this award for having a lovely blog! Im quite new to all this blogging malarky, so its a lovely surprise, and very much appreciated *smile*...... I have to pass on this award to others, so keep checking, I could be naming you ;)

Here are a few rules to the award:"This award has a few rules first of all you have to give it to a new blog that you have recently come across.Let them know they have an award ,then they must mention your blog when accepting the blog .Pass on to 15 other new sites that you have just recently come across."
Please leave a comment when you collect your award

Lizs blogs:- do check them out, shes a lovely lady and does some lovely things in her spare time!

Ive been making a few cards etc when the time allows it, so will download and show later..... at the moment Im elbow deep in gloss paint doing some (boring!) painting in the house...never quite as interesting as painting on a canvas, ah well, must be done!


  1. Not another thing to say Kairen but ur a star

    liz xx

  2. looks like I need to get another face peerin LOL so I am goona see what I can get up too meantime I am off to e mail Lynne chat & get into mischeif later

    liz xx

  3. awww give her my best, miss her :)
    but behave yerself lol
